Welcome to my webpage. I am an Associate Professor of Public Policy at UMBC, and Graduate Program Director for the Masters in Public Policy and PhD in Public in Policy. My research affiliations include the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans at Tulane University, the Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center, the National Center for Research on Education Access and Choice (REACH), the Baltimore Education Research Consortium, and the Education Policy Innovation Collaborative (EPIC) at Michigan State University. My research focuses on the implementation and effects of market-based policies in public education. I am particularly interested in the equity effects on low-income families, students of color, and girls in developing countries.
I live and work in the charming City of Baltimore where my research focuses on urban public schools, as well as comparative work across the US and the developing world. My current projects include identifying pathways to college for public school graduates, measuring the equity effects of school choice lotteries, and how charter schools influence the supply and quality of teachers.
Please visit my research page to see my latest working papers and publications and click the e-mail link to get in touch.